  • dfd88bb1-89a8-49fb-9c62-1d7ba2196264-1-1P3131F540T8
Name: Frontier Research of building and Engineering English title: Frontier Research of architecture and Engineering Journal level: International Journal Distribution cycle: semi Quarterly Word number requirements: 13000 characters from ve...
  • 产品类别:建筑
  • 主办单位:新加坡双语出版社
  • ISSN:2591-7595
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:季刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

Name: Frontier Research of building and Engineering
English Title: Frontier Research of architecture and Engineering
Journal level: International Journal
Distribution cycle: semi Quarterly
Word number requirements: 13000 characters, from version 3
Competent unit: Singapore bilingual Publishing House
Organizer: Singapore bilingual press
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Database: HowNet
Cn: 2591-7587 (electronic serial number)
ISSN: 2591-7595

Introduction to frontier research of architecture and Engineering:
Frontier research in construction and Engineering (quarterly) is an international, academic and peer-reviewed journal (printed and online). It is published quarterly in Singapore by bilingual publishing company, an international publisher with a long history and high reputation. It was established in 1984. Report the latest and most innovative research results in all fields of engineering and construction. It aims to promote the theory and practice of Engineering Science and construction management. The magazine welcomes the contribution of promoting ideological exchange and rational discussion among educators and engineering researchers all over the world. The outline of the journal covers original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and papers.

Journal column of frontier research of construction and Engineering:
Architectural design, building and building materials, municipal public facilities construction, building operation, tap water transmission engineering, housing and civil engineering buildings, green buildings, industrial and mining engineering buildings
Building central heating, central gas supply, municipal engineering, municipal road construction, railway / highway / tunnel / Bridge Engineering

Special requirements of frontier research of architecture and Engineering:

No paper publications
1. If English manuscripts are submitted, at least 3000 words, starting from 4 editions;
2. If the Chinese manuscript to be translated is submitted, the number of words shall be at least 4500, and at least 4 versions shall be translated into English;
3. The number of references shall not be less than 8, and the corresponding serial number shall be marked on the text. The references shall preferably provide DOI or link;
4. The information (company, mailing address and email address) of all authors shall be stated, and the corresponding authors shall be marked.



英文刊名: Frontiers Research of Architecture and Engineering








CN: 2591-7587(电子刊号)

ISSN:  2591-7595



《筑与工程前沿研究》(季刊 )是一份国际、学术和同行评审期刊(印刷和在线),由双语出版公司在新加坡每季度出版一次,双语出版公司是一家具有悠久历史和高声望的国际出版商,成立于 1984 年。报告工程和建筑所有领域的最新和最具创新性的研究成果。它旨在促进工程科学和建筑管理的理论和实践。该杂志欢迎推动世界各地教育工作者和工程研究人员之间思想交流和理性讨论的贡献。该杂志的大纲涵盖原始研究文章、案例和技术报告、评论和论文。








1. 如提交英文稿件,至少3000单词字数,4个版起发;

2. 如提交需翻译的中文稿件,至少4500字数,译英后最少4个版;

3. 参考文献不低于8条,并在正文上标相应序号,参考文献最好提供DOI或链接;

4. 所有作者的信息(单位、通讯地址、邮箱)需写明,通讯作者需标注出来。


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