Title: summary of educational theory English Title: review of educational theory Journal level: International Journal Issue cycle: Quarterly Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results Word number requirements: 13000 cha...
  • 产品类别:教育
  • 主办单位:新加坡双语出版社
  • ISSN:2591-7625
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:季刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

Title: summary of educational theory
English Title: review of educational theory
Journal level: International Journal
Issue cycle: Quarterly
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Word number requirements: 13000 characters, from version 3
Competent unit: Singapore bilingual Publishing House
Organizer: Singapore bilingual press
Product label: International English journal
Database: HowNet

online: 2591-7633  

ISSN: 2591-7625

Introduction to the journal review of educational theory:
The quarterly review of educational theory is a peer-reviewed magazine in the field of education. Its purpose is to promote problem-oriented and critical research and practice methods, with increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary and international perspectives. The magazine publishes original peer-reviewed papers in the field of educational research and management, covering all levels of education and various forms of learning throughout the life cycle. We encourage innovative and profound articles with unique perspectives, and all published papers reflect the highest quality in a wide range of perspectives, themes, contexts and methods.

Journal column of summary of educational theory:
Medical theoretical research, clinical medical research, medical practice, health medicine, preventive medicine, nursing medicine, medicinal chemistry, hospital management, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, health policy, continuing medical education and health management

Special requirements of educational theory review:
1. No certificate
2. The replication ratio shall not exceed 30%



英文刊名:Review of Educational Theory   



预计出刊间: 见投稿结果通知为准




商品标签: 国际 英文刊 



ISSN: 2591-7625






医学理论研究、临床医学研究、医学实践、保健药、预防医学、护理医学、医药化学、医院管理、中西医结合治疗、卫生政策、继续医学教育、 健康管理






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