name; Frontier of Higher Education English Title: Frontier of Higher Education Journal level: International Journal Issue cycle: Quarterly Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results Word number requirements: 13000 chara...
  • 产品类别:教育
  • 主办单位:新加坡百科出版社
  • ISSN:2705-0718
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:季刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

name; Frontier of Higher Education
English Title: Frontier of Higher Education
Journal level: International Journal
Issue cycle: Quarterly
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Word number requirements: 13000 characters, from version 3
Competent unit: Singapore encyclopedia press
Organizer: Singapore encyclopedia press
Product label: International English journal
Database: HowNet
CN: 2705-0718
ISSN: 2705-0718

Introduction to frontier of Higher Education:
Frontier of Higher Education (quarterly) is a global, open, peer-reviewed, all English academic journal published by Singapore encyclopedia Publishing House PTE. Ltd. It is committed to the future of education, reflecting on the development of education, paying attention to the current situation of education and summarizing educational experience.

Journal column of frontier of Higher Education:
Quality education, teaching modernization, new teaching plan design, teaching practice analysis, educational policies and regulations, educational management, curriculum and teaching, examination and evaluation, educational economy, educational psychology, school spirit construction and teacher ethics construction

Special requirements of frontier of Higher Education:
1. The author is required to provide HowNet test report. If the author does not, please charge 30 yuan for the test, which is limited to 3 tests;
2. The replication ratio shall not exceed 30%



英文刊名:Frontier of Higher Education



预计出刊间: 见投稿结果通知为准




商品标签: 国际 英文刊 


CN: 2705-0718

ISSN: 2705-0718



《高等教育前沿》(季刊)杂志是由新加坡百科全书出版社 PTE . LTD 出版的全球性开放、同行评议、全英文学术期刊,致力于教育的未来,反思教育发展,关注教育现状,总结教育经验。






1、需要作者提供知网检测报告,如作者没有,请收取检测费用30元,仅限3次检测 ;



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