Name: International Education Forum English Title: Journal level: International Journal Issue cycle: Monthly Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results Word number requirements: 3700 characters, from version 2 Competent...
  • 产品类别:教育
  • 主办单位:新加坡前沿科学出版社
  • ISSN:2705-1196
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:月刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

Name: International Education Forum
English Title:
Journal level: International Journal
Issue cycle: Monthly
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Word number requirements: 3700 characters, from version 2
Competent unit: Singapore Frontier Science Press
Sponsor: Singapore Frontier Science Press
Product label: International Chinese Journal
Database: HowNet
ISSN: 2705-1196

Introduction to International Education Forum:
International Education Forum is an international Chinese Journal focusing on the field of education. It aims to serve the development of education around the world, disseminate education and teaching reform, improve the teaching theoretical level and teaching quality of educators, promote new education, new ideas and new methods, and display new achievements in the field of education and teaching. Establish a platform for international exchange of Chinese education. Spread the excellent concept of Chinese education and introduce international advanced educational science. Promote the development of education. Enhance the international influence of Chinese education.

Journal column of International Education Forum:
Education development services, disseminate education and teaching policies, improve the teaching theory level and teaching quality of educators, promote new education, new ideas and new methods, and display new achievements in the field of education and teaching. Provide a broad experience exchange platform for educators in the front line, spread the excellent ideas of Chinese education, introduce international advanced educational science, promote educational development and enhance the international influence of Chinese education.

Special requirements of International Education Forum:
1. Including the English translation of the first five items;
2. The replication ratio shall not exceed 40%






预计出刊间: 见投稿结果通知为准




商品标签: 国际 华文刊 



ISSN:  2705-1196









1、含前五项英文翻译 ;



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