Name: Engineering Technology Research Journal level: International Journal Issue cycle: Monthly Word number requirements: 3700 characters from version 2 Competent unit: Singapore encyclopedia press Organizer: Singapore encyclopedia press E...
  • 产品类别:教育
  • 主办单位:新加坡协同出版社
  • ISSN:2591-7099
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:半年刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

Name: Engineering Technology Research
Journal level: International Journal
Issue cycle: Monthly
Word number requirements: 3700 characters, from version 2
Competent unit: Singapore encyclopedia press
Organizer: Singapore encyclopedia press
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Database: HowNet
CN: 2661-4359
ISSN: 2661-4359

Introduction to engineering technology research:
Engineering Technology Research (monthly) is a global peer-reviewed international open access academic journal published by encyclopaedic publishing Pte.Ltd. It is committed to publishing the latest creative research results. Its field covers the theory and practice of engineering technology at all levels, and aims to promote the research and development of engineering technology theory and practice. The magazine aims to achieve the combination of engineering technology, engineering theory and engineering management and promote the progress of engineering technology. It focuses on various high-level excellent academic papers with technical development and innovation experience in the field of Engineering Science and technology.
This journal of engineering technology research includes the latest progress of engineering technology research with international influence in the fields of construction, water conservancy, roads, municipal administration, energy and environment. At the same time, in order to actively respond to engineering technology problems in various industries, it provides and promotes practical methods and academic achievements, and provides a diversified and professional communication platform for engineering technology practitioners, Strive to promote international academic exchanges in this field.

Journal column of engineering technology research:
Civil engineering, road and bridge engineering, municipal engineering, water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, petrochemical industry, mechanical and electrical engineering, environmental engineering, energy engineering, survey and mapping, engineering design and planning, engineering construction technology, engineering management, experiment and research

Special requirements for Journal of engineering technology research:

1. If English manuscripts are received, the approximate number of words is 1680-5000, i.e. about 2-7 editions;
2. If Chinese manuscripts are received, the number of words: 2600-7600;
3. There are no less than 8 references, and the corresponding serial number shall be marked on the text;
4. The information (company, mailing address and email address) of all authors shall be stated, and the corresponding authors shall be marked;
5. The replication ratio shall not exceed 30%;



英文刊名:Journal of Educational Theory and Management






预计出刊间: 见投稿结果通知为准     

商品标签:      国际 英文刊   



ISSN:  2591-7099



《教育理论与管理杂志》(半年刊 )的目标是为教育学术界和教育管理界的发展提供一个专业的交流媒介。为寻找更适当的教育管理方法和教育实践理念,教育学术界需要创造新的发展,所以期刊欢迎来自世界各地的定性和定量研究成果和不同研究视角的各种文章。



关于教育理论的观点 ,结构管理教育的变化和趋势 ,教育,商业和管理的关系,高等教育 ,教育传递机制






4、所有作者的信息(单位、通讯地址、邮箱)需写明,通讯作者需标注出来 ;



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