Name: Economics and management science English Title: Economics and management science Journal level: International Journal Issue cycle: Quarterly Word number requirements: 13000 characters, from version 3 Competent unit: Singapore encyclop...
  • 产品类别:经济管理
  • 主办单位:新加坡百科出版社
  • ISSN:2717-5715
  • 语言:国际期刊
  • 出版频率:季刊
产品介绍 Product introduction

Name: Economics and management science
English Title: Economics and management science
Journal level: International Journal
Issue cycle: Quarterly
Word number requirements: 13000 characters, from version 3
Competent unit: Singapore encyclopedia press
Organizer: Singapore encyclopedia press
Expected publication time: see the notice of submission results
Database: HowNet
CN: 2717-5715
ISSN: 2717-5715

Introduction to economic and management science:
Economics and Management Science (quarterly) is a peer-reviewed international open access academic journal issued worldwide, covering macro-economy, industry trends, regional economy, modern enterprise management and practice, finance and taxation, financial securities, etc. It presents the research results of major practical problems in the development of economics, and creates an academic discussion atmosphere in the field of social science research, which is brave in exploration, breakthrough, bold in expressing scientific opinions and good at debating problems. We welcome predecessors from academia, business, government and research institutions from all walks of life to interpret the current policies, elaborate economic management theories, disseminate advanced ideas, and deeply explore and summarize economic management practices.

Journal column of economics and management science:
Theoretical economics, macro economy, industrial economy, international economy, regional economy, finance and finance, economic viewpoint, hot spot perspective, macro economy, comparison and reference, industrial economy, management vertical and horizontal, regional economy, market and resources, finance and finance, labor economy, enterprise management, business economy, economic vision, financial and tax reports, Economic Forum

Special requirements for Journal of economics and management science:
1. The author is required to provide HowNet test report. If the author does not, a test fee of 30 yuan will be charged, which is limited to 3 tests
2. The replication ratio shall not exceed 30%



英文刊名:Economics and Management Science








CN: 2717-5715

ISSN: 2717-5715



《经济与管理科学》(季刊 )是一本经同行评议、面向全球发行的国际开放存取学术期刊,内容涵盖宏观经济、行业趋势、区域经济、现代企业管理与践、财税、金融证券等。它呈现了经济学发展中重大践问题的研究成果,营造了社会科学研究领域勇于探索、敢于突破、大胆发表科学见解、善于争论问题的学术讨论氛围。欢迎各界学术界、企业界、政府、研究机构的前辈解读现行政策,阐述经济管理理论,传播先进思想,深入探索和总结经济管理践。









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